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"US$ 250 - 300" (Results found 173)
Showing 101 - 110 of 173 results
8.8” Manjushri Statue
US$ 298.20
Speciality: Beautifully Hand Carved Copper Alloy With 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded Manjushri Copper Statue.
Beautifully Hand Carved Copper Alloy With 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded Manjushri Copper Statue or Sculpture is carved in Patan, Nepal. This 8.8” Copper Alloy Manjushri Sculpture with Partially Gold Gilded is beautifully hand carved Copper Statue.

Manjushri – Bodhisattva of Wisdom
Manjushri is known as the Bodhisattva of Wisdom and is the bodhisattva counterpart to Adi Buddha (Thogmai Sangye), the Primordial Buddha. Manjushri is the tutelary deity of astrology and generally the protector of students. Manjushri is often considered to be the Buddha's incarnate wisdom. In his right hand Manjushri holds the flaming double sword of analytic discrimination to annihilate ignorance, the fundamental cause of cyclic existence and suffering. The left hand holds a blue lotus surmounted by the book of transcendent wisdom, the Prajnaparamita sutra. Manjushri is surrounded by over a hundred similar golden manifestations, symbolizing the universality of the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Manjushri, whose worship confers mastery of the Dharma and he is considered the founder of Kathmandu. Originally, the Kathmandu valley was a lake where Vipaswi Buddha threw some lotus seeds. One of these seeds grew into a thousand petalled lotus flower from which shone a five colored light representing the five Buddhas. With his flaming sword of wisdom, Manjushri cut through the valley walls and the light came to rest on the peak at Swayambhu.

This Manjushri Sculpture seated on a lotus and holds blue lotus surmounted by the book of transcendent wisdom, the Prajnaparamita sutra.
10” Vajrayogini Statue
US$ 297.50
Speciality: This 10” Vajrayogini Statue is beautifully carved Partially Gold Gilded and is made by the experienced artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10” Partially Gold Gilded Vajrayogini Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partially Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

10” Vajradhara Statue
US$ 297.50
Speciality: This 10” Vajradhara Statue is beautifully carved Partially Gold Gilded and is made by the experienced artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10” Partially Gold Gilded Vajradhara Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partially Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

Vajradhara – The Primordial Buddha
Vajradhara is the primordial Buddha, the Dharmakaya Buddha. Vajradhara, depicted as dark blue in color, expresses the quintessence of buddhahood itself. Vajradhara represents the essence of the historical Buddha's realization of enlightenment. Historically, Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya over 2500 years ago and then manifested as the Buddha. According to Buddhist cosmology, he was the Fourth Historic Buddha of this fortunate eon. Prince Siddhartha's achievement of enlightenment, the realization, or wisdom of enlightenment itself, is called the Dharmakaya, the body of truth. When he expresses that realization through subtle symbols, his realization is called the Sambhogakaya, the body of enjoyment. When such realization manifested in more accessible or physical form for all sentient beings as the historical Shakyamuni Buddha, it is called the Nirmanakaya, the body of manifestation.

The Dharmakaya, synonymous with Vajradhara Buddha, is the source of all the manifestations of enlightenment. Vajradhara is central to the Kagyu lineage because Tilopa received the Vajrayana teachings directly from Vajradhara, the Dharmakaya Buddha. Thus, the Kargyudpa lineage originated from the very nature of buddhahood. The Kargyudpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism begins with the Buddha Vajradhara. The individual in this tradition is allowed to visualize his root Guru as Buddha Vajradhara. Guru Tilopa is said to have received Mahamudra instruction directly from Buddha Vajradhara through visions and other extraordinary means. In Nispannayogavali, Vajradhara is the main deity in Vajrasattvamandala. Vajradhara is three faced, six armed and reddish white in color. His right arm hold a Vajra, a sword and a Kapala and his left hands hold a bell, and ankush and a noose. Vajradhara stands in the Ardhaparyanka posture and dances in Tandava style.

In this form of Vajradhara, his right hand holding the Dorje (symbolizing “method”), his left hand holding the bell (symbolizing wisdom), and the two hands crossed his chest expressing complete integration of Prajna and Upaya. Vajradhara is usually depicted in blue color in Vajraparyanka posture. Vajradhara has a crown, an Urna and an Ushnisha as of a Sambhogakaya Buddha. Vajradhara is also depicted in father-mother (Aaju Aji in Newari) aspect. Then he holds his usual symbols while his arms are crossed at back of his consort. The consort is non other than Prajnaparamita in deified form.
9” Amitabha Buddha Statue
US$ 257.60
Speciality: Amitabha Buddha Statue is made of Copper Alloy with 24 Karat partially Gold Gilded and has beautiful frame behind the statue.
This 9” Partially Gold Gilded Amitabha Buddha Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partially Gold Gilded which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Amitabha means "Infinite Light." Amitabha's Discriminating Wisdom conquers the poison of the passions – all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust. With this wisdom, the disciple discerns all beings separately yet knows every being as an individual expression of the One. In the mandala of the Dhyani Buddhas, Amitabha is positioned to the west. His color is rose (red), the color of the setting sun. Amitabha Buddha rules over the element of fire and personifies the Skandha of perception. Thus, the eye and the faculty of seeing are associated with Amitabha. The peacock, with "eyes" on its plumes, is his throne-bearer. The peacock symbolizes grace. Amitabha's symbol is the padma, or lotus, placed between him and Vairochana in this Mandala. In Buddhism, the lotus can symbolize many things, including spiritual enfoldment, purity, the true nature of beings realized through enlightenment, and compassion, the purified form of passion. Amitabha denotes "Boundless Light" or Incomprehensible.

Devotees aspire to be reborn in Amitabha's Western Paradise, known as Sukhavati, where conditions are ideal for attaining enlightenment. His mudra is the dhyana (meditation) mudra. His bija is Hrih and his mantra is Om Amitabha Hrih. Some consider Amitabha to be synonymous with Amitayus, the Buddha of Infinite Life. Others honor Amitayus as a form of Amitabha or as a separate Buddha.

This 9” Amitabha Buddha Sculpture is in Samadhi Mudra with his two palms folded face up on top of the other lying on his lap. When represented on the Stupa, Amitabha Buddha always faces the west. Amitabha Buddha is worshipped thinking that one can have salvation. Sometimes holding a Patra on the same posture.
9.5” Guru Padmasambhava Statue
US$ 259.00
Speciality: Guru Padmasambhava Statue is made of Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded is made by the experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal.
This 9.5” Partially Gold Gilded Guru Padmasambhava Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

GuruGuru Padmasambhava – The Precious Master
Guru Padmasambhava also Guru Rinpoche, the Precious Master — is revered throughout the Himalayan ranges as a Second Buddha. Invited from India in the eighth century to subjugate the forces inhibiting the spread of Shakyamuni's teachings, Guru Rinpoche managed to transform hitherto hostile powers into guardians and protectors of the pure dharma and, in the process, left an indelible mark on the entire Himalayan region. In quite a literal sense, Guru Rinpoche's mark is to be found throughout the Himalayan ranges in and around the many caves Guru Rinpoche used for meditation. At these sites one can still see handprints and footprints of the Precious Master impressed into solid rock, mute testimony to the extraordinary power this fully accomplished yogi and tantric magician exercised over the external and internal elements. Now, in the pure depth of the heavens, Vajrasattva, allowing the Metamorphic Body to be seen, seared upon an elephant, holding a golden vajra to his heart with his right hand, and with his left hand holding a silver bell at his side, crowned with the ornaments of the Five Transcendent Buddhas, his body covered with all the perfect ornaments, decorated with bones at the shoulders, at the wrists, and at the ankles, brilliant with the white glitter of crystal. Perfectly learned in the Mahayoga, Vajrasattva reveals as a dwelling the celestial palace of the three Baskets, reveals as gods and goddesses the whole internal essence, reveals as Mantra the entire murmur of the words, reveals as enchantments everything which is of body, speech, and mind. And Guru Rinpoche sets forth the Tantras of the Mahayoga, which are, according to the whole classification, five hundred thousand, and the whole of which forms the eighteen root Tantras.

In this 9.5” Guru Padmasambhava Sculpture, Guru Padmasambhava embodies the ultimate attainment of the Vajrayana and the power, both temporal and spiritual, associated with this peerless attainment. These powerful attributes show Guru Rinpoche wearing an expression of great force and concentration while holding various implements of power such as the Vajra scepter, skull – cup and trident staff called Kathvanga. His right hand brandishes a Vajra, while the left hand, resting on his lap, supports the Vase of immortality. Guru Rinpoche is dressed not only in the robes of a monk but also in the garments of a king to indicate that Guru Rinpoche is a member of both worldly and religious royalty.
9” Yellow Jambhala Statue
US$ 257.60
Speciality: This hand carved 9” Partially Gold Gilded Yellow Jambhala Copper Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is made bye the experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal.
This 9” Partially Gold Gilded Yellow Jambhala Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partially Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

Yellow Jambhala – The God of Wealth
Yellow Jambhala, The God of Wealth, he is the manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava. The yellow Jambhala is yellow in color. Yellow Jambhala is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, seated imperially in the center of the multi-colored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the morni of gush of flame on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.

According to the sutras, it is said that when Shakyamuni Buddha was saying the Maha Prajna-Paramita Sutra, some demon came to disturb the Buddha and wanted to create confusion. Just at that time, Yellow Jambhala appeared in front of the Buddha and protected him. Upon seeing his courageous behavior, the Buddha asked Yellow Jambhala if he wish to become a dharma protector and save the sentient beings. Yellow Jambhala accepts the Buddha’s word and from then onwards, he protected the dharma and if anyone calls his name, he will come and help that person. If one has trouble with finance or anything, one can chant the mantra of his and he will come and help. But one must have a Bodhi mind and practice Buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last! Attain Buddhahood! The beneficence of the Yellow Jambhala is that his doctrine enables the follower to have good luck and Virtues, prolong his life, increase his intelligence and gain both material and spiritual benefits.
5.5” Samantabhadra Statue
US$ 296.80
Speciality: This beautifully carved 5.5” Samantabhadra Statue is made from Copper Alloy 24 Karat Fully Gold Gilded and is crafted by the master artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This beautifully carved 5.5” Samantabhadra Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy 24 Karat Fully Gold Gilded which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

There are three groups with sixteen Bodhisattvas. Among these three groups one group is headed by Samantabhadra (Universal Goodness). So he is important as the leader of sixteen Bodhisattvas. He is not less important than the future Buddha Maitreya who is head of the two other lists of Bodhisattvas. He embraced by his consort “Dharmavajra”.
12” Vajrayogini Statue
US$ 298.20
Speciality: Beautifully Carved Vajrayogini Statue made from Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded is cast using Lost Wax method.
Beautifully Carved 12” Partially Gold Gilded Vajrayogini Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded is cast Lost Wax method and is crafted by our experienced artisan in Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

8.5” Aparmita Statue
US$ 278.60
Speciality: This 8.5” Aparmita Statue is beautifully carved Fully Gold Gilded which is crafted by the experienced artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This great quality 8.5” Fully Gold Gilded Aparmita Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Fully Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

Aparmita is the name given to Amitabha in his character of bestower of longevity. Aparmita may be turned either a “Crowned Buddha or a Bodhisattva and is therefore richly clad and wears the thirteen ornaments. His hair is painted blue and falls on either side to his elbows or may be curiously coiled. Aparmita is seated like Buddha and his hands lie on his lap in Dhyana Mudra holding the ambrosia vase, his special emblem. The vase is richly decorated and from the cover fall four strings of beads which represent sacred pills. In the preliminary worship, the pills made from buttered dough and the ambrosia brewed from spirit or beer and offered in a skull bowl to the great image of Aparmita. The lama then places a vajra on the ambrosia vase, which the image of Amitayus holds in its lap, and applies a cord, which is attached to the vajra, his own heart. The wine in the ambrosia vase is then consecrated and the people partake of it as well as of the sacred pills with the firm conviction that there lives will be prolonged through their faith in Aparmita.

In this 8.5” Aparmita Sculpture Aparmita is seated like Buddha and his hands lie on his lap in Dhyana Mudra holding the ambrosia vase, his special emblem. The vase is richly decorated and from the cover fall four strings of beads which represent sacred pills. Aparmita wears the thirteen ornaments and his hair is painted blue and falls on either side to his elbows or may be curiously coiled.
8.5” Green Tara Statue
US$ 270.20
Speciality: Fully Gold Gilded beautifully carved Green Tara statue and has beautifully gold painted face.
This hand carved 8.5” Green Tara Fully Gold Gilded Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy is beautifully carved and has beautifully gold painted face which is crafted by the experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business for generations.

Green Tara is regarded as spiritual consort of Amoghasiddhi, the Dhyani Buddha. Green Tara is portrayed similar to that of the White Tara. One can find the difference only in her left hand which holds a half – closed lotus or water – lily flower with long petals which is often blue. In the Lamaeist Tradition, Tara is incarnated in all good women. Green Tara is also to have mortal base in historic persons of the Nepali and Chinese princess who married the great king Srong – Tsong Gampo and credited with the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet and China. Green Tara vowed "until Samsara is empty, I shall work for benefit of sentient beings in a woman's body". Green Tara is worshipped, because she brings all good women.

This 8.5” Green Tara is seated on a lotus rising out of a lake. Dressed in fine silk and rainbow – colored stockings, Green Tara holds in each hand a blue Utpala flower. Green Tara sits in Lalita asana (sitting position) with her right leg extended ready to assist those who ask her help.
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