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"US$ 250 - 300" (Results found 173)
Showing 131 - 140 of 173 results
10.5” Medicine Buddha Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: Medicine Buddha Sculpture made from Copper with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded Statue which is crafted by the experienced artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10.5” Medicine Buddha Sculpture made from Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Medicine Buddha – The Healing Buddha
Medicine Buddha also known as Bhaishajyaguru. The Medicine Buddha is believed to be a transformation of Shakyamuni Buddha, who manifested himself as the Medicine Buddha in order to give the medicine teaching to the fourfold assembly of Hindu Gods, Sages, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and Adepts etc. On the other hand it is also said that Medicine Buddha had attained perfect enlightenment many eons previously. Medicine Buddha also Bhaishajyaguru vowed that his Buddha verse would be a world of healing, and that throughout Buddha verse, wherever beings suffer from sickness and injury, Medicine Buddha would eternally manifest to bring them his healing knowledge.

This beautiful 10.5” Medicine Buddha Sculpture has his left hand, lying in his lap in ‘Meditation’ Mudra, which holds a bowl containing medicine nuts, while his right hand is in ‘Charity’ Mudra which holds the branch of the Myrobalan plant, a medicinal plant found in Nepal, India and other tropical countries. Medicine Buddha wears the monastic robe and is seated with the legs crossed. Medicine Buddha sits on a moon disk on lotus petals.
9” Shakyamuni Buddha Statue
US$ 297.50
Speciality: This beautiful 9” Shakyamuni Buddha Statue made from Oxidized Copper Alloy and is beautifully carved using Lost Wax Technique which has beautiful detail carvings.
This 9” Oxidized Copper Alloy Shakyamuni Buddha Sculpture is made from Oxidized Copper Alloy is beautifully carved with detail designs which are crafted by our experienced artisan using Lost Wax method who has been in this business from generations.

Shakyamuni Buddha – The Enlightened One
Beyond the pain and pressures, the toil and tears of life, away from illusory scene of transience and impermanence, transcending loving and halting transitoriness of this world, is the Enlightened One, Shakyamuni, the Sage of the Sakyas, Gautama Buddha. Gautama has overcome the temptations of Mara and of his demons in their innumerable aspects, some terrifying, some monstrous and some voluptuous. The intense inner struggle of Gautama makes him an immediately human figure to us. Mara tries to break him even when he has attained complete enlightenment and tempts him to vanish into nirvana and leave mankind in darkness. The Buddha is serene and motionless. Gautam Buddha has passed the raging fury of illusory forms. The Sage is supremely Enlightened One, aware of the cause of suffering and of the way to attain liberation from them. Gautam Buddha calls the Earth Goddess to witness by his earth-touching gesture or bhumi-sparsha-mudra. The right hand stretches down to the earth, the palm inside and all fingers straight. By this gesture, Gautam Buddha destroys all the demons of the earth. While the right hand of the Buddha is in the gesture of touching the earth, his left hand holds the alms bowl. Gautam Buddha is seated with legs crossed in the lotus position or Padmasana, on a moon disk, placed on a lotus.

This beautiful 9” Shakyamuni Buddha Sculpture has his left hand extended in the Bhumisparsa gesture, the mudra of witness. His left hand lies in the lap with palm upward. This is the gesture of "touching the earth" or "calling the earth to witness," commemorating Buddha's victory over temptation by the demon Mara. Shakyamuni Buddha is seated on a Padmasana pedestal of lotus petals arranged in a row. This is one of the most popular portrayals of Shakyamuni – at the moment of his full enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya.
9” Amitabha Buddha Statue
US$ 297.50
Speciality: This beautiful 9” Amitabha Buddha Statue made from Oxidized Copper Alloy and is beautifully carved using Lost Wax Technique which has beautiful detail carvings.
This 9” Oxidized Copper Alloy Amitabha Buddha Sculpture is made from Oxidized Copper Alloy is beautifully carved with detail designs which are crafted by our experienced artisan using Lost Wax method who has been in this business from generations.

Amitabha means "Infinite Light." Amitabha's Discriminating Wisdom conquers the poison of the passions – all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust. With this wisdom, the disciple discerns all beings separately yet knows every being as an individual expression of the One. In the mandala of the Dhyani Buddhas, Amitabha is positioned to the west. His color is rose (red), the color of the setting sun. Amitabha Buddha rules over the element of fire and personifies the Skandha of perception. Thus, the eye and the faculty of seeing are associated with Amitabha. The peacock, with "eyes" on its plumes, is his throne-bearer. The peacock symbolizes grace. Amitabha's symbol is the padma, or lotus, placed between him and Vairochana in this Mandala. In Buddhism, the lotus can symbolize many things, including spiritual enfoldment, purity, the true nature of beings realized through enlightenment, and compassion, the purified form of passion. Amitabha denotes "Boundless Light" or Incomprehensible.
Devotees aspire to be reborn in Amitabha's Western Paradise, known as Sukhavati, where conditions are ideal for attaining enlightenment. His mudra is the dhyana (meditation) mudra. His bija is Hrih and his mantra is Om Amitabha Hrih. Some consider Amitabha to be synonymous with Amitayus, the Buddha of Infinite Life. Others honor Amitayus as a form of Amitabha or as a separate Buddha.

This 9” Amitabha Buddha Sculpture is in Samadhi Mudra with his two palms folded face up on top of the other lying on his lap. When represented on the Stupa, Amitabha Buddha always faces the west. Amitabha Buddha is worshipped thinking that one can have salvation. Sometimes holding a Patra on the same posture.
9” Medicine Buddha Statue
US$ 297.50
Speciality: This beautiful 9” Medicine Buddha Statue made from Oxidized Copper Alloy and is beautifully carved using Lost Wax Technique which has beautiful detail carvings.
This 9” Oxidized Copper Alloy Medicine Buddha Sculpture is made from Oxidized Copper Alloy is beautifully carved with detail designs which are crafted by our experienced artisan using Lost Wax method who has been in this business from generations.

Medicine Buddha – The Healing Buddha
Medicine Buddha also known as Bhaishajyaguru. The Medicine Buddha is believed to be a transformation of Shakyamuni Buddha, who manifested himself as the Medicine Buddha in order to give the medicine teaching to the fourfold assembly of Hindu Gods, Sages, Bodhisattvas, Arhats and Adepts etc. On the other hand it is also said that Medicine Buddha had attained perfect enlightenment many eons previously. Medicine Buddha also Bhaishajyaguru vowed that his Buddha verse would be a world of healing, and that throughout Buddha verse, wherever beings suffer from sickness and injury, Medicine Buddha would eternally manifest to bring them his healing knowledge.

This beautiful 9” Medicine Buddha Sculpture has his left hand, lying in his lap in ‘Meditation’ Mudra, which holds a bowl containing medicine nuts, while his right hand is in ‘Charity’ Mudra which holds the branch of the Myrobalan plant, a medicinal plant found in Nepal, India and other tropical countries. Medicine Buddha wears the monastic robe and is seated with the legs crossed. Medicine Buddha sits on a moon disk on lotus petals.
10.5” Amoghasiddhi Buddha Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: Partially Gold Gilded 10.5” Amoghasiddhi Buddha Statue Made of Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded which is crafted by the master artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10.5” Partially Gold Gilded Amoghasiddhi Buddha Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Amoghasiddhi Buddha – The Fifth Dhyani Buddha
Amoghasiddhi Buddha is the fifth Dhyani Buddha in order. His left hand lies open on the lap and the right exhibits the Abhaya mudra. Amoghasiddhi represents cosmic element of Samskara (Conformation). Amoghasiddhi is of green color and his recognition symbol is the Viswa Vajra or the double thunderbolt or Double Dorje. His attributes are power and energy that is both subtle and often hidden. Amoghasiddhi is the supreme Siddhi – the magic power of enlightenment. Amoghasiddhi always faces the North. He is the embodiment of the rainy season. Sometimes a serpent with seven heads forms the background as an umbrella. In front of his shrines, therefore, is found a small square pit which is meant for the snake. His vehicle is Garuda.

Amoghasiddhi is realization of all-accomplishing wisdom. The Tibetan word for Buddha Amoghsiddhi is Sangay Donyodtrubpa. The word Danyod means “meaningful” and the word Trubpa means “accomplishment.” So Buddha Amoghsiddhi means “whatever is meaningful and fruitful is accomplished.” Amoghsiddhi is also the complete purification of jealousy, which is a hindrance for both material and spiritual success. His activity is perfect accomplishment and fulfillment of meaningful aims. Furthermore, his activity removes ordinary daily hindrances such as illnesses and obstacles. This is why Amoghasiddhi's activity is meaningful accomplishment. Buddha Amoghasiddhi holds a Double – Vajra in the form of a cross in his left hand, which symbolizes that his activity pervades and touches all directions. He is green in color and he sits in the full lotus posture. The left hand of all five Dhyana Buddhas rests in the meditative posture of the changeless realization of Dharmata. Amoghasiddhi's right hand is in the Mudra of fearless protection. He protects all living beings from any mishaps, obstacles, and negative influences. So his posture is known as “the Mudra of fearless protection.” He is white which represents “without fault” and he rests in the center to the mandala and is on a lion's throne. Amoghasiddhi is green and resides in the north holding a sword representing the cutting of existence. Amoghasiddhi is often depicted in union with his wisdom consort Damtsig Drolma the Green Tara, who embodies the pure element of air.

In this 10.5” Amoghasiddhi Buddha Sculpture, Amoghasiddhi Buddha is shown in Abhaya Mudra. His left hand lies open on the lap and the right exhibits the Abhaya mudra. Amoghasiddhi represents cosmic element of Samskara (Conformation). Amoghasiddhi is of green color and his recognition symbol is the Viswa Vajra or the double thunderbolt or Double Dorje.
5” Yellow Dzambhala Statue
US$ 257.60
Speciality: Beautifully Carved Oxidized Copper Alloy Yellow Dzambhala Sculpture crafted by the master artisans of Patan, Nepal.
Beautifully Carved Oxidized Copper Alloy 5” Yellow Dzambhala Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Yellow Dzambhala – The God of Wealth
Yellow Dzambhala (Tibetan: Dzambhala Serpo): The God of Wealth, he is the manifastation of Buddha Ratnasambhava. This is the yellow Jambhala, yellow in colour, he is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, seated imperially in the center of the multi-colored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the morni of gush of flame on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.

According to the sutras, it is said that when Sakyamuni Buddha was saying the Maha Prajna-Paramita Sutra, some demon came to disturb the Buddha and wanted to create confusion. Just at that time, Yellow Dzambhala appeared in front of the Buddha and protected him. Upon seeing his courageous behavior, the Buddha asked Yellow Dzambhala if he wish to become a dharma protector and save the sentient beings. Yellow Dzambhala accepts the Buddha’s word and from then onwards, he protected the dharma and if anyone calls his name, he will come and help that person. If one has trouble with finance or anything, one can chant the mantra of his and he will come and help. But one must have a bodhi mind and practice Buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last! Attain Buddhahood! The beneficence of the Yellow Jambhala is that his doctrine enables the follower to have good luck and Virtues, prolong his life, increase his intelligence and gain both material and spiritual benefits.
9” Yellow Jambhala Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: This hand carved 9” Partly Gold Gilded Yellow Jambhala Copper Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is made bye the experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal.
This 9” Partly Gold Gilded Yellow Jambhala Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partly Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

Yellow Dzambhala – The God of Wealth
Yellow Dzambhala (Tibetan: Dzambhala Serpo): The God of Wealth, he is the manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava. This is the yellow Jambhala, yellow in color; he is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, seated imperially in the center of the multi-colored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the morni of gush of flame on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.

According to the sutras, it is said that when Sakyamuni Buddha was saying the Maha Prajna-Paramita Sutra, some demon came to disturb the Buddha and wanted to create confusion. Just at that time, Yellow Dzambhala appeared in front of the Buddha and protected him. Upon seeing his courageous behavior, the Buddha asked Yellow Dzambhala if he wish to become a dharma protector and save the sentient beings. Yellow Dzambhala accepts the Buddha’s word and from then onwards, he protected the dharma and if anyone calls his name, he will come and help that person. If one has trouble with finance or anything, one can chant the mantra of his and he will come and help. But one must have a bodhi mind and practice Buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last! Attain Buddhahood! The beneficence of the Yellow Jambhala is that his doctrine enables the follower to have good luck and Virtues, prolong his life, increase his intelligence and gain both material and spiritual benefits.
9” Yellow Dzambhala Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: This hand carved 9” Partly Gold Gilded Yellow Dzambhala Copper Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is made bye the experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal.
This 9” Partly Gold Gilded Yellow Dzambhala Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy with Partly Gold Gilded Statue or Sculpture which is crafted by our experienced artisan of Patan, Nepal who has been in this business from generations.

Yellow Dzambhala – The God of Wealth
Yellow Dzambhala (Tibetan: Dzambhala Serpo): The God of Wealth, he is the manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava. This is the yellow Dzambhala, yellow in color; he is adorned with a crown, jewel and gold ornaments and silk garments, seated imperially in the center of the multi-colored lotus throne, stepped on a white conch shell. With left hand in the stoat a jewel keeping in mouth and right hand the morni of gush of flame on the right knee, with the jewel earring and jewel necklace, he is exposing his chest and abdomen, the aura and lucky cloud surrounded on the sides.

According to the sutras, it is said that when Sakyamuni Buddha was saying the Maha Prajna-Paramita Sutra, some demon came to disturb the Buddha and wanted to create confusion. Just at that time, Yellow Dzambhala appeared in front of the Buddha and protected him. Upon seeing his courageous behavior, the Buddha asked Yellow Dzambhala if he wish to become a dharma protector and save the sentient beings. Yellow Dzambhala accepts the Buddha’s word and from then onwards, he protected the dharma and if anyone calls his name, he will come and help that person. If one has trouble with finance or anything, one can chant the mantra of his and he will come and help. But one must have a bodhi mind and practice Buddhism properly to attain his blessings. One can also gain wealth, wisdom, intelligence and at last! Attain Buddhahood! The beneficence of the Yellow Dzambhala is that his doctrine enables the follower to have good luck and Virtues, prolong his life, increase his intelligence and gain both material and spiritual benefits.
10.5” Ratnasambhava Buddha Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: Partially Gold Gilded 10.5” Ratnasambhava Buddha Statue Made of Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded which is crafted by the master artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10.5” Partially Gold Gilded Ratnasambhava Buddha Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Ratnasambhava Buddha – The Third of the Five Dhyani Buddhas
Ratnasambhava is the third of the five Transcendental Buddhas. Ratnasambhava is yellow and his wisdom is associated with experience and known as representing the "primordial wisdom of equality. Ratnasambhava is associated with the human realm on the wheel of life. Ratnasambhava is known for his equanimity reminding us that all human beings are precious. Ratnasambhava faces the south in with his consort Mamaki.

Ratnasambhava means ‘Born from the Jewel,’ ‘Ratna’ signifying jewel in Sanskrit. Ratnasambhava is believed to transform the negative human trait of pride into the wisdom of sameness. This wisdom brings out the common features of human experience and makes us see the common humanity underlying all men and women. In this state of enlightenment, there is nobody superior or inferior to the other, leaving no scope for pride to develop. Ratnasambhava displays the Varada Mudra. This Mudra symbolizes charity and boon granting. Indeed his distinct emblem is a jewel (Ratna), associating him with riches and Ratnasambhava is sometimes described as the Buddha of giving. But he makes no distinction and gives freely to all (the wisdom of sameness). All beings are equally precious to him. Whatever our social position, race, sex, or life form, we are all made from a common clay. The grace of Ratnasambhava shines equally on the palace and dung heap. Meditating on his wisdom we develop solidarity with all humanity, nay with all forms of life. Ratnasambhava’s color is yellow. This is the color of the earth. The earth too is extremely generous in sharing with us her riches. Also she gives without any expectation or favor in return. She gives and also receives all equally. The earth is thus the great leveler. Similarly, Ratnasambhava’s radiance dissolves all boundaries of self and the other. We can then just share with others – without any associated sense of giving, because giving requires a ‘self’ to give and ‘others’ to receive, a duality which Ratnasambhava helps us transcend. The animal associated with Ratnasambhava is the horse, who ferries over the suffering beings with full vigor. It also suggests a journey, a spiritual voyage such as that on which the Buddha – to – be set forth when he left his life at home, riding on his faithful charger.

Ratnasambhava guards over the direction south. The sun is in the south at noon-time. Its rays are then a light-golden-yellow, the hue of Ratnasambhava himself.

In this 10.5” Ratnasambhava Buddha Sculpture, Ratnasambhava Buddha is shown in Varada Mudra. This Mudra symbolizes charity and boon granting. Indeed his distinct emblem is a jewel (Ratna), associating him with riches and Ratnasambhava is sometimes described as the Buddha of giving. But he makes no distinction and gives freely to all (the wisdom of sameness). Ratnasambhava’s color is yellow. This is the color of the earth. The earth too is extremely generous in sharing with us her riches.
10.5” Akshobhya Buddha Statue
US$ 277.20
Speciality: Partially Gold Gilded 10.5” Akshobhya Buddha Statue Made of Copper Alloy with 24 Karat Partially Gold Gilded which is crafted by the master artisans of Patan, Nepal.
This 10.5” Partially Gold Gilded Akshobhya Buddha Sculpture is made from Copper Alloy which is crafted by our experienced artisan who has been in this business from generations.

Akshobhya Buddha – The Second of the Five Dhyani Buddhas
Akshobhya is the second of the Transcendental Buddhas. Akshobhya originates from the blue seed syllable HUM and represents the primordial cosmic element of consciousness; immutable and imperturbable. The path to enlightenment through the Vajra family is one of breaking free of constraints and obstacles, transmuting negativity, and is generally more dynamic and proactive. Akshobhya is believed to transform the human failing of anger into a clear mirror-like wisdom. With this wisdom, we see things just as they are, impartially and unaffectedly. Indeed, whether it is a red rose or a bloody dagger, a mirror will reflect both just as they are. It will not be judgmental and distinguish between the two reds, attempting to hold to the first and flee from the second. No reflection in a mirror sticks to it, and none repels it. The mirror always stands imperturbable and immutable, just as we should, whether the circumstances are favorable or unfavorable to us.

Akshobhya is blue in blue in color and his blue color is closely linked to the mirror symbolism. Blue is the color of water, and water has the capacity to act as a clear mirror. Akshobhya makes the Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Touching Gesture). This gesture recalls the incident just before Buddha’s enlightenment when he was challenged by Mara, the personification of evil. Mara was convinced that the spiritual throne where Buddha was sitting belonged rightly to him. Accordingly he challenged Buddha to prove his claim to the seat. Buddha moved his hand to touch the ground with his fingertips, and thus bid the goddess Earth to bear witness to his right to be sitting where he was. She did so with a hundred thousand roars, and validated Buddha’s assertion. Akshobhya’s emblem is the Vajra. The Vajra is the quintessential symbol of Vajrayana Buddhism, which derives its name from the Vajra itself. The Sanskrit term Vajra means 'the hard or mighty one', and its Tibetan equivalent Dorje means an indestructible hardness and brilliance like the diamond, which cannot be cut or broken. The Vajra essentially signifies the immovable, immutable, indivisible, and indestructible state of enlightenment. Thus is Akshobhya touching the earth with the fingertips of his right hand, the earth too being a symbol of the immutable, the solid, and the concrete. Akshobhya’s mount is the elephant. An elephant places its foot upon the earth with unshakeable certainty. It has the same unalterable quality as the Buddha’s fingers touching the ground, and the same determination that carried Buddha through his tribulations.

Akshobhya is often depicted with his consort Lochana who expresses the mirror-like primordial wisdom. Akshobhya is considered the ruler over the eastern direction. It is the direction where dawn takes place. Indeed, Buddha’s victory over Mara heralded the dawning of a new, spiritual reality.

In this 10.5” Akshobhya Buddha Sculpture, Akshobhya Buddha is shown in Bhumisparsha Mudra (Earth Touching Gesture). This gesture recalls the incident just before Buddha’s enlighment when he was challenged by Mara, the personification of evil. Mara was convinced that the spiritual throne where Buddha was sitting belonged rightly to him. Accordingly he challenged Buddha to prove his claim to the seat. Buddha moved his hand to touch the ground with his fingertips, and thus bid the goddess Earth to bear witness to his right to be sitting where he was.
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