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"US$ 250 - 300" (Results found 173)
Showing 61 - 70 of 173 results
18” x 13.3” Hayagriva Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 275.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 18” x 13.3” Hayagriva Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Hayagriva is one of the emanations of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Hayagriva is also regarded as Yidam or Istadevata. Hayagriva has many forms often with three faces, six arms and four legs sometimes with huge wings. Hayagriva can be recognized by a small horse head surmounted on the top of his main terrific head. The horse head neighs very loudly and it is said that the sound is said to pierce all the false appearance of inherent existence or substantial reality.

The Hayagriva’s terrific appearance is directed towards ego grasping and outer obstructions. His wrathfulness is said to be fierce compassion directed towards self cherishing attitude. According to Sadhanamala, Hayagriva is red in color. Hayagriva is awesome and terrible in appearance with bare fangs. Hayagriva has three eyes and brown beard. Hayagriva wears a garland of skull with teeth and lips. Hayagriva is crowned with his Jata and a figure of Amitabha. His second face is that of a horse, which is blue in color and neighs continuously. Hayagriva tramples on the top of the world. Hayagriva wears the snake ornaments.

Hayagriva is short and dwarfish and is clad in tiger skin. Hayagriva threatens all the deities and asuras and holds the Vajra and staff in his two hands.
20” x 16” Kalachakra Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 20” x 16” Kalachakra Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Kalachakra a non – dual Tantra retrieved from the hidden kingdom of Shambala. Semi – wrathful in appearance, blue in color, he has four faces, twenty – four hands and two legs. The main face is blue, right red, left white and the back face is yellow. Each has three eyes and an open mouth with slightly bared fangs. The first pair of hands holds a Vajra and bell crossed at the heart embracing the consort. The remaining right hands hold a sword, curved knife, trident, three arrows, Vajra hook, Damaru drum, hammer, wheel, spear, club and axe. The left hands hold a shield, Katvanga staff, skull cup, bow, lasso, jewel, lotus, conch shell, mirror, Vajra chains and the four – faced yellow head of Brahma. Kalachakra an enlightenment aspect of Buddha ship, which embodies the highest insights of all six elements: the zodiac signs as well as the planets of our solar system (including the moon – nodes Rahu and Ketu). This astrology related Buddha – aspect (divided into the 'inner', secret Kalachakra and the 'outer' Kalachakra of more exoteric interpretation) is seen as the highest Tibetan Tantra deity with the most subtle accompanying teachings. The Lord wears a long scarf and a tiger skin as a lower garment. The consort, Vishvamata, is yellow, with four faces and eight hands. They are both adorned with crowns, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and various ornaments. The right leg of the Lord is straight, standing atop the figure of Kamadeva. The left is bent, standing atop Rudra. Above the layered discs of a white moon, red sun and dark blue Rahu (eclipse) they stand on a multi-colored lotus blossom seat wreathed by the circular orange rays of pristine awareness fire.
20.5” x 16.5” Kurukulla Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 20.5” x 16.5” Kurukulla Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
There are many forms of deity Kurukulla. But the most important form is called Tarodbay Kurukulla. She is red in color with red garments, red ornaments and seated on a red lotus. Kurukulla has four arms. Two left hands show charging a flowery arrow on a flowery bow ready to strike at and other two hands hold a noose and a goad. Kurukulla appears to be a beautiful maiden in dancing posture and displays lovely sentiments. The deity Kurukulla is said to confer success on devotees particularly in the tantra ritual of subjugating, enhancing men, women, ministers and the kings.
21” x 16.5” Palden Lhamo Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 21” x 16.5” Palden Lhamo Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Palden Lhamo
Palden Lhamo (Sanskrit: Shridevi) is the female companion of Mahakala and is his equal in power. Palden Lhamo is depicted in a peaceful form as Machig Palden Lhamo, sitting on a lotus, wearing a crown of jewels, holding a bowl of jewels in her left hand and holding a standard of rainbow colors in her right. In her wrathful form, she rides a mule, has flaming red hair, three red eyes and sharp fangs.

Palden Lhamo is usually depicted in nakthang [black-ground scroll style] crossing the sea of blood riding side-saddle on a white mule. There is an eye on the left rump of the mule which is the place where her irate husband's arrow found a mark. Palden Lhamo had killed her son and used his flayed skin as a saddle blanket.
23” x 16.5” Singhamukha Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 23” x 16.5” Singhamukha Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
The dakini Singhamukha (Goddess with a Lioness' Head) was spoken of by the Biessed One in the tantras, in order to guard against harm caused by those who use sorcery against the teachings and other beings. Singhamukha emanates with the head of a lioness to suppress gods and demons who are difficult to best by other means. Tibetan Buddhism holds whoever takes refuge in this jewel-like goddess will have their obstacles dispelled and-if those who threaten them gain in force and might-will gain the power to display threatening signs in return.
21” x 17” Vajrakilaya Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 21” x 17” Vajrakilaya Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Vajrakilaya is one of the most popular deities when it comes to destroying the obstacles. Guru Rinpoche achieved enlightenment through practicing Yangdag Heruka but he first practiced Vajrakilaya to clean, or to clear the obstacles, and then, through that, he practiced the rest and then achieved whatever he wanted to achieve. So, Vajrakilaya is known for clearing the obstacles. Vajrakilaya is also known as being the embodiment of all the Buddha's activities. At times, when we speak of Vajrakilaya, we speak of Vajrakilaya as if it is the wrathful form of Vajrasattva. There are many, many great masters both in India and Tibet, but especially in Tibet, who have practiced Vajrakilaya, especially in the Nyingma lineage, and among the Kagyu and also within the Sakyapas. [Among the three traditions] the Sakyapa, Tsharpa and Ngorpa. The Sakyapa's main deity, besides Hevajra, is Vajrakumara or Vajrakilaya. To this day, one of His Holiness Sakya Trizin's main practices is Vajrakilaya.
20” x 17” Vajrapani Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 20” x 17” Vajrapani Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Vajrapani doesn't many newcomers to Buddhism, look very Buddhist at all. He is a Bodhisattva who represents the energy of the enlightened mind, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. He's pictured dancing wildly within a halo of flames, which represent transformation. He holds a vajra (thunderbolt) in his right hand, which emphasizes the power to cut through the darkness of delusion. Vajrapani looks wrathful, but as a representation of the enlightened mind, he's completely free from hatred. His mantra is simply his name, which means "wielder of the thunderbolt", framed between the mystical syllables Om and Hum. This mantra helps us to gain access to the irrepressible energy that Vajrapani symbolizes. A familiarity with Vajrapani does, of course, help here, although the sound of the mantra is itself rather energetic.
20” x 17” Bajrapani Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 275.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 20” x 17” Bajrapani Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Bajrapani doesn't many newcomers to Buddhism, look very Buddhist at all. He is a Bodhisattva who represents the energy of the enlightened mind, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. He's pictured dancing wildly within a halo of flames, which represent transformation. He holds a vajra (thunderbolt) in his right hand, which emphasizes the power to cut through the darkness of delusion. Bajrapani looks wrathful, but as a representation of the enlightened mind, he's completely free from hatred. His mantra is simply his name, which means "wielder of the thunderbolt", framed between the mystical syllables Om and Hum. This mantra helps us to gain access to the irrepressible energy that Bajrapani symbolizes. A familiarity with Bajrapani does, of course, help here, although the sound of the mantra is itself rather energetic.
21.5” x 17” Yamantaka Scroll Thangka Painting
US$ 266.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 21.5” x 17” Yamantaka Tibetan Religious Scroll Painting is painted by the experienced artisans who have been devoted in the business from generations.
Yamantaka, the ferocious emanation of Manjushri (Bodhisattva of wisdom), is the most complicated and terrible of all the wrathful Buddhist divinities. Under this from he conquered the demon king of death, Yama, who was depopulating Tibet in his insatiable thirst for victims. According to this myth, in his paroxysm of insight, Manjushri traveled all the way to the underworld to seek out Yama, the God of death, who dwells with all his minions in the sealed up iron cities of hell. Yama appears in Indian mythology with the head of a water buffalo. To tame Yama, Manjushri adopted the same form, adding to it eight other faces and a multiple array of arms, each holding fearful and deadly weapons. He further sprouted a corresponding number of legs, and surrounded himself with a vast host of terrifying beings. To confront death, he thus manifested the form of death itself, magnified to infinity. Death (Yama) saw himself endlessly mirrored back to himself, infinitely outnumbered by himself. Death was literally scared to death. Thus the yogi who meditates through the imagery of Yamantaka intends and hopes to develop a sense of identity strong enough to face down death, and the fear that attends upon it. Each head, each limb, each attribute, symbol and ornament of Yamantaka expresses the total mobilization of the faculties of enlightenment needed for this ultimate confrontation. Both Yama and Yamantaka are represented with bull’s heads, but Yama always has an ornament, shaped like a wheel on his breast, which is his distinctive mark.
23.5” x 18” Green Tara Thanka Painting
US$ 300.00
Speciality: Beautifully Painted 23.5” x 18” Green Tara Tibetan Thanka Religious Scroll Painting.
Green Tara is regarded as spiritual consort of Amoghasiddhi, the Dhyani Buddha. Green Tara is portrayed similar to that of the White Tara. One can find the difference only in her left hand which holds a half – closed lotus or water – lily flower with long petals which is often blue. In the Lamaeist Tradition, Tara is incarnated in all good women. Green Tara is also to have mortal base in historic persons of the Nepali and Chinese princess who married the great king Srong – Tsong Gampo and credited with the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet and China. Green Tara vowed "until Samsara is empty, I shall work for benefit of sentient beings in a woman's body". Green Tara is worshipped, because she brings all good women.

Green Tara is seated on a lotus rising out of a lake. Dressed in fine silk and rainbow – colored stockings, Green Tara holds in each hand a blue Utpala flower. Green Tara sits in Lalita asana (sitting position) with her right leg extended ready to assist those who ask her help.
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